Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA
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Remember America Speaker Series

April 20, 2024 at 6 p.m.

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What Can You Expect from a Dayspring Education?

We call it our “portrait of a graduate.它回答了这个问题:“Dayspring教育的目的是什么??”


Nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17.20

要明白,没有什么是与上帝的旨意分开的, 你的孩子能够跟随神对他们生命的计划和目的,心顺服耶稣基督的权柄. They recognize God’s connection with their lives and recognize their reciprocal connection to God; students acknowledge that both connections work in tandem to create lifelong stability.

Faithful ——坚持真理,恪守宗教职责.


Study this Book of Instruction continually. 你要昼夜思想,好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话. 只有这样,你才会事事顺利. Joshua 1.8

你的孩子学会创造性地思考解决问题,并深思熟虑地捍卫合理的立场. With a high level of social, emotional intelligence, 学生可以辨别真理,并有意义地参与有说服力的讨论. 学生了解上帝的性格和本质,同时了解人的状况. 当你的孩子在处理神的话语上成熟时, 他们学习将圣经的原则应用到生活的各个方面.

Reason -辨别真假的一种能力, and good from evil, 它使拥有者能够从事实或命题中推导出推论.

Apply – To fix the mind; to engage and employ with attention


But we urge you . . . to excel still more. 1 Thessalonians 4.10

当我们看到你的学生通过原则方法学习和跟随上帝作为毕业生, 他们以强烈的职业道德和虔诚的品格服务. 他们的礼貌和尊重使他们与众不同,他们的勤奋和高标准使他们脱颖而出. 当别人夸耀自己的自尊时,你们的毕业生却对基督充满信心.

Excellence -在人身上,任何值得高度赞扬的、有价值的或有美德的事情

Character – By way of eminence, distinguished or good qualities; those which are esteemed and respected

Honor – Reputation; good name; distinction; True nobleness of mind


But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3.15

通过Dayspring教育,学生们学会了寻找原始资料. 他们很好奇,不仅想知道是什么,而且想知道为什么. 以神的话语为一切知识的中心,他们学会透过那面透镜看世界. 他们学会在每件事上都看到神,并依靠他来指出真理. They are biblical thinkers and spiritually minded. 他们以圣经知识的坚实基础为基础,并学会在写作和演讲中表达真理. 这使他们有信心成为信仰的捍卫者,并使他们能够分享福音. 无论他们走到哪里,他们都积极主动,有目的地生活,以实现上帝对他们的计划.

Communicate – To impart, as knowledge; to reveal; to give, as information, either by words, signs or signals; to deliver

Innovate – To bring in something new.


要在遍地向一切居民宣告自由. Leviticus 25.10

所以我们作基督的使者,好像神藉我们劝人一样. . . . 2 Corinthians 5:20a

Through the story of America, 世界见证了个人自由最伟大的表现, both spiritually and in the civic and therefore, economic realms. 福音在美国的传播比其他任何国家都更加自由,使福音能够以前所未有的方式传遍世界. Simultaneously and consequentially, 个人享有最高水平的公民自由和经济机会. Dayspring的学生明白,这种自由的持久需要自我管理和美德. 他们通过研究原始和主要的资料来学习历史,并把历史看作是上帝为了他的计划和目的而推动人民和国家的天意. In doing so, 学生们了解到上帝对他们和他们的生活有一个计划, 是什么让他们有勇气生活,有进取精神去创造, serve, and lead.

Courageously – With courage; bravely; boldly; stoutly.

Leader – A guide; a chief; a commander; a captain. One who goes first.

*所有定义摘自诺亚·韦伯斯特1828年出版的《BCK体育注册官网》, 《BCK体育注册官网》的官方词典

Take a Tour of Dayspring!

Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的BCK体育注册官网. 请致电717-285-2000或使用下面的按钮进行注册.

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